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Rapid NFR vs. Traditional Massage

First, Let's start by saying welcome to our page and tell you a little bit about what Resilience offers and how we differ from your “traditional” massage therapy practices.

Resilience therapists are more like specialists in the field of Massage Therapy. We mostly specialize in the treatment of soft tissue injuries and chronic pain, but we do also offer Reflexology and Reiki. Reflexology helps to calm the central nervous system by applying pressure to specific spots on your feet, hands and ears, to help promote relaxation and relieve discomforts throughout the body. Reiki is a meditative practice that works with your energy and promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch or no touch at all.

Today we would like to explain the difference in our treatment strategy using Rapid NeuroFascial Reset as compared to “traditional” massage therapy.

Let’s use the example of wearing a new pair of shoes for the first time. When you first put on a new pair of shoes, they might be tight in certain areas and as you walk, they feel odd on your feet. With consistent pressure over time, they might rub on certain parts of your feet causing a blister, that blister is a pain signal that goes to your brain as you continue to wear those shoes. That pain signal starts to impact and influence the rest of your movement. Your brain wants to correct and fix that pain so what may happen is you might end up with your hip (on the same side) being elevated in an attempt for your brain to not have as much pressure put on that painful foot, as you continue throughout the day walking a little weird or off balanced with your hip elevated, and you continue walking this way for a long period of time... Now, maybe even another compensation starts to happen. The shoulder on the same side of the elevated hip also begins to elevate so now your brain has compensated in an attempt to prevent extra additional pain or pressure on that original blister.

Are you following? Here is a diagram and image to give you a visual...

At this point if you were to go into a traditional massage therapy establishment they'll see the elevated shoulder, they'll see your elevated hip and may say, “oh, we are going to work on that shoulder. I’m going to relax the shoulder down, get the hip in place and get everything rebalanced.” That's a great strategy, however, remember those compensations were due to the original pain and blister in the foot if you don't address the original source of pain these compensations will slowly creep back over time!

Now here is the difference...using Rapid NeuroFascial Reset or Rapid NFR we have techniques that will go in and address the source of pain so, we can eliminate that pain signal to your brain. Your brain has a better snapshot and an idea of what's going on in your body and these compensations will slowly go away if you address the pain in the body! We restore balance and remove the compensations that are created because of pain.

Just one more difference to add in really quick is that traditional massage therapy addresses mainly muscles (which is great for relaxation and stiffness), Rapid NFR however focuses on the connective tissue or fascia (the stringy, spider web material that surrounds every structure in the body, example: the white stringy stuff on raw chicken) fascia or connective tissue has a thousand times more sensory nerves than muscles do. So, when we are trying to stimulate the brain's response to an area where the pain is, we are going to have a better response and reaction from the brain if we focus on an area that has more sensory receptors.

We hope this helped clarify the difference between our treatment at Resilience using Rapid NFR and Traditional Massage techniques. We are all still Massage therapists and highly recommend receiving traditional massage for stress relief, tension and minor body aches but If you are experiencing PAIN...We absolutely recommend giving one of our Highly trained therapists a try and ask them how they can help you Bounce Back to Pain Free Living!


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